The Chicago Film Critics Association Awards 2022

It’s not easy being a film critic with a day job. Not using it as an excuse but I certainly don’t have as much free time as I’d like to channel my energy into my two favorite passions: movies and music. Along the way I became a podcaster mainly due to my love of movie podcasts and talk radio. Over the years, it’s hard to keep up with new releases, attend screenings or sit down to write as much as I used to. But I plan to change that in 2023 even if I end up working more at my day job than ever before. My love of the arts cannot be contained or restrained.

That’s because I not only love movies but I love the community that Chicago has built from the very beginning going all the way back to the remarkably kind and supportive Dann Gire. I was talking to one of my favorite film critics Robert Daniels last night about how my first Lake Street screening room experience was for Gigli (the Affleck / J.Lo debacle). This was not the best film to kick off my humble beginnings as a film critic. But Roger Ebert sat behind me and it was hard not to think about that fact every once in a while. I’d been to other screenings before but they were mainly at movie theaters, not a critics screening room.

Going even further back, I remember getting a ticket to the Chicago Film Critics Awards ceremony way back for the films of 1998. That was not only the first time I met Roger Ebert to thank him for his yearly movie companion guide, which was a compilation of his reviews, but I bumped into Steven Spielberg coming out of the bathroom. I didn’t have a chance to say anything since it would’ve been awkward, but nevertheless. I met a lot of incredibly talented film critics that night.

Sitting across from me at the same table was Nick Digilio who worked for WGN Radio at the time and even before I began taking film criticism seriously, he sensed my enthusiasm for film went beyond just being excited about the latest new release to play at the multiplex. I had gone out of my way to places like the Fine Arts Theater back when I was still living in Northwest Indiana. One of the reasons I made that effort was due to Nick’s love of movies and for me, sitting at the same table as someone I greatly looked up to felt surreal back in 1998. Eventually I would go on to contribute to his show and then branch out from there. Never mind the fact that Kathy Bates came up for her acceptance speech at that awards ceremony and told a hilarious story involving dog poop that well, I can try to relay to you in person sometime if you’re curious.

Now cut to last night in which I’m surrounded by some of the best writers and film critics that the city of Chicago has to offer. Mostly these days, I just ramble in front of a microphone often about cinema of years past and filmmakers that I think are worth exploring further in a conversation with a guest or two. I write a review now and then but mostly I just like to talk out my thoughts with someone else. Last night’s experience at the Chicago Film Critics awards - there was so much positive energy and support all-around, it was hard not to feel overwhelmed in the best way possible. Here are the winners if you want to know what we chose.

President of the CFCA Brian Tallerico, said it best, though I’m paraphrasing, in how our voices out there can champion great art and artists in a way that will not only keep us going but ensure that great art can keep being made. Our excitement, our reviews, our podcasts and interviews can provide a lot of good in the world of film - the filmmakers that know we’re out there loving what they do, that might serve as an impetus for them to keep going. Think of all the accomplishments that the Chicago Critics Film Festival have achieved in serving as another platform for audiences and filmmakers to support the movies we love. 

If this all sounds a bit self-congratulatory, I’m mainly writing this as a way to thank all the colleagues that were there last night, working harder than I can and putting their time, energy and passion into a career they should all be proud of. When I went up to present the award for best editing, I probably said the word “inspiring” half a dozen times and that’s for a reason. Not only did the late great Sergio Mims inspire me, but the podcasters on the Now Playing Network and every single person in that room inspire not just me but anyone who is blessed to read their words or hear their thoughts.

Enthusiasm and positive energy is infectious. Yes as critics, we are asked to be “critical” but I tend to focus on when I respond to a film positively and that’s when I feel the need to share my thoughts and use my voice the most. Really, I’m just a messenger more than a creator but I do make podcasts that I’m proud of especially the ones when Sergio Mims was a guest (or any of last night’s attendees as well). And now, I know in 2023, people I respect and appreciate will be returning to talk about directors. It’ll be hard to make it all happen but I want to keep at it. I love movies, new and old. And I am eternally grateful to everyone who was at the critics awards dinner who supported me and my love of podcasting through and through. I felt honored to be among such talented writers and enthusiasts who also get home from a day job and continue working hard writing reviews and producing content.

Oh and of course, a lot of the award winners were great too. A lot of the speeches, a lot of the food, but most importantly, the conversations we shared. I probably spent another full hour talking to people just as I was ready to put my coat on only because I wanted the night to keep going. We all haven’t been in the same room together since 2019 which was a very different time for me personally. Even though I was struggling then after a really difficult summer. Then last year, my aging mother experienced a lot of change that she still is trying to manage. 

But I feel like the film critics and people like Brian Tallerico, Erik Childress, Nick Digilio, Collin Souter and just about everyone I retweet and read and listen to in that room last night, are a huge reason why I keep going and feel supported even when life is difficult and the bills still need to get paid through other means. I have a feeling 2023 will be an even better year for me personally. Last night gave me reasons to feel blessed, grateful and inspired in so many ways. Thank you to the Chicago Film Critics Association and all the incredible critics for their hard work, dedication and for loving an art form that I’ve loved for over 30 years now. Please follow these talented CFCA members by seeing who they are here:


Men (2022)


Going All The Way: The Director's Edit (2022)