Episode 183: Fifty Favorite Films (10th Anniversary Special)

For the first 10th anniversary special of Director’s Club, you get 6 hours and 45 minutes of me and Bill Ackerman talking about our 50 favorite films of all time. Granted, we did end up spending a little time before that revealing our favorites from 2020 as well, but for the most part you get to learn about what each of us think are all-timers when it comes to movies we love. Some have changed for me including my #1.

Towards the end of the month, you’ll get a second anniversary special featuring Patrick Ripoll, original co-host for a surprise edition that should be quite different than anything we’ve done before. (Which means you’re likely to at least get a total of ten hours of content for January). My full of 100 favorites is available at Letterboxd but don’t spoil the fun, listen to the episode first to see what has changed these past five years since I last revised the list. Be sure to subscribe to Bill’s spectacular show, Supporting Characters. Catch up with all the episodes from the past and stay tuned for more in the future! Thank you so much for supporting Director’s Club this past decade and looking forward to at least another year’s worth of new episodes. See you in a couple of weeks for one more anniversary special - Jim

00:00 - 06:28 - Intro
06:29 - 51:59 - Favorites From 2020
52:00 - 03:13:07 - Favorite Films #50-#26
03:13:08 - 05:21:24 - Favorite Films #25-#11
05:21:25 - 06:44:30 - Favorite Films #10-#1
06:44:31 - 06:47:31 - Outro


Episode 190: Wong Kar-Wai


Episode 179: Bob Clark